YHWHs Restored Scriptural Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar

Just click on Calendar Title Down below to Download the Calendars for Free in PDF File 

These Calendars are Freely Availiable Below and can be Downloaded in PDF Format, 
from which you can Print Your Own Calendar for Free. 
Or take the file to a print shop or office print center to have a copy printed. 
Yahuahs True Calendar
Proven Only By His Word

Beginning in 1997, Our Heavenly Father Yahuah began to teaching His Servant Moshe Eliyahu, His True Calendar from the His Word Alone.  He did not learn this Calendar from any man, we didn't even know any groups of similar mind at the time
and we did not have Internet or even a computer at that time. 
Yahuah Revealed Specific Scriptures & Hidden Revelations in Small Portions to him, eventually leading to a full understanding of Yahuahs True Calendar in late 1999. Which of course since that time, we have gained more understanding from His Word about His Calendar, and more Examples in Scripture which Proves His Calendar to those who have an Open Heart to His Word and Want to Know the Real Truth.  

Moshe Eliyahu Teaches about this in "The Scriptural Sabbath Day" Document 
is found on the Teaching Publications Page found in the site Navigation Menu. 
 You most likely will not be able to understand these 
Calendars with-out first reading the Sabbath Teaching Document
and Throughly Studing Yahuahs Word
Shown Below is Yahuahs Scriptural Projected Calendars with the pagan roman calendar references inserted. We Use the Projected Calendar to plan our work schedules. This is especially helpful when it involves people who have never heard of the Yahuahs Calendar. Most people only know the roman calendar. So we use this Calendar to tell them what roman days that we need off for the New Moons, Sabbaths, & Feast Days.  

I and other believers, have also taken a projected calendar to job interviews. I have explained to them the days that I will need off, but that I can give the days I need off several months in advance. If they didn't want to work with my Schedule, and would say that they didn't know of that they wouldn't give me off these days, then I left and went on to the next job I could find. 

No, it isn't Easy, but it is Necessary. If we serve Yahuah and put Him first, which mean being Obedient to His Commands is Our Priority, then He will Make the Way. If we put a job as more important than serving Him, then you are saying that your own arm or man is stronger than Yahuah, and are in disobedience and rebellion against His Word. 

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When you read this, please have a open heart to Yahuahs Word. If we are not humble and our hearts are closed and hard, how can Yahuah our Heavenly Father, Teach us His True Word?
Do not take my word for it. I am asking you to Please Study this and see if I am right or wrong. Let His Word Prove if it is True or False.

These Calendars are in PDF format, and we make them Freely Available to:

View, Download, Save, or Print

There is two versions: One is Projected in EST (Eastern Standard Time) 
and the other is Projected in GMT (Greenwich Mean/Universal Time)

To open a Calendar, Just click on the title of which one you want to View.

These Calendar are listed from Newest to Oldest. If you are not sure what Scriptural Year you are looking for (i.e. 6000s.c.) then look at the roman year reference (i.e. 2018-2019). The roman year references written on the calendars, are always in alignment with One Scriptural Year. But since the roman year begins in winter and the Scriptural Year begins in the spring at Abib, a Scriptural Year will span two roman year dates. The roman year is always in reference from one Abib to the next Abib, in other words Abib/Spring of 2018 to Abib/Spring of 2019

 We have also left some the past year years calendars up for those who may want to review them in their studying. And we have posted even older calendars for the first time.  

If you look at past years, you will quickly notice how the format and look of the calendar changed over time, as we learned how to make them Easier to Read and Understand. The early calendars were black and white due to ink costs at the time, and we only had a black and white printer.

To say the least, its a lot of information to try to fit 
onto an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. 

Each set of years/months will be seperated by the small green divider bars.

Also pay attention to which version you are viewing, as there is 'CST' 'GMT' versions for 5997sc 'EST' 'GMT' versions for 5996sc and past year projections.  
Yahuahs Restored Solar-Lunar Scriptural Calendar

-->NOTE: Because these calendars are now only one month, instead of an entire year, it means we have to make these each and every month, and often oly publish them just before the month begins, or sometimes after it has begun.... but since these are only one month at a time, we also have more physical space to write in more details, as we now have a whole page for just one month. So I have tried to use that space to make them more detailed, showing the night and day portions, as well as to include a few additional reminders and other things. 

**UNDERSTAND These digital/printed calendars are made from what we can read here where we live (south central US). We makes these in order to help those learning how to read Yahuahs calendar which is declared forth by the moon and sun.

But we are all to learn how to Physically Read the moon and the sun to determine Yahuah calendar, including the months, weeks, Shabbats, Annuals moadim, and work days. As the day will come when our websites, or the interenet in general, will no longer be available. So we must learn while we can, and do the best we are able trying to read the moon and sun. Which as Yahuah knows is very difficult at times. One reason being how satan using man to create all the chemtrails and ect to cover the skies, which darken the sun, the moon, the stars, the night and the day... Just as Yahuah foretold and Wrote in His Word. 

The calendars listed below are listed from the Newest/Current Calendar at the top of the list, down to the oldest/past calendars at the end of the list. 

***​IMPORTANT UPDATE: We will no longer be posting projected calendars. 
Please Read This Newsletter: 



6th Month 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
pagan roman dates: sunset sep 6th ~through~ sunset oct 6th 2021


5th Month 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset aug 8th ~through~ sunset sept 6th 2021


4th Month 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset jun 10th ~through~ sunset jul 9th 2021


3rd Month 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset jun 10th ~through~ sunset jul 9th 2021


2nd Month 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset may 11th ~through~ sunset jun 10th 2021


**ABIB 6003sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset apr 12th ~through~ sunset may 11th 2021


13th Month 6002sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset mar 13th ~through~ sunset apr 12th 2021


12th Month 6002sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset feb 11th ~through~ sunset mar 13th 2021


11th Month 6002sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset dec 14th 2020 ~through~ sunset jan 13th 2021


10th Month 6002sc Monthly Calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates: sunset dec 14th ~through~ sunset jan 13th 2020


9th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates nov 15th ~ through ~ dec 14th 2020


8th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates oct 16th ~ through ~ nov 15th 2020


**CORRECTED - 7th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates sep 17th ~ through ~ oct 16th 2020


6th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates  aug 18th ~ through ~ sep 17th 2020

5th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
 pagan roman dates jun 20th ~ through ~ jul 20th 2020


4th Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates jun 20th ~ through ~ jul 20th 2020


3rd Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates may 22nd ~ through ~ jun 20th 2020


2nd Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates apr 22nd ~ through ~ may 22nd 2020


ABIB 1st  Month 6002sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates feb 23rd ~ through ~ mar 24th 2020


12th Month 6001sc Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates feb 23rd ~ through ~ mar 24th 2020


11th Month 6001sc Monthly calendar - CST  - CORRECTED UPDATE!! 
​ pagan roman dates jan 25th ~ through ~ feb 23rd 2020
Due to "strange anomalies" and peculiarities in both the calculations and what few times the moon has been observable in the past month due to chemtrails (anomalies which until recently we had never seen occur in the past  20 years we have been keeping Yahuahs calendar), this is the best we are able to project the calendar for the 11th month. 
People need to read the moon where they live, and determine the best they are able for themselves. 
***UPDATE: We just revised the calendar and updated it. Please Re-download. 


no calendar was published for the 10th month 6001sc

9th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates nov 27th ~ through ~ dec 27th 2019


8th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates oct 28th ~ through ~ nov 27th 2019


7th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates sep 28th ~ through ~ oct 28th 2019


6th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates aug 30th ~ through ~ sep 28th 2019


5th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates jul 31st ~ through ~ aug 30th 2019


4th Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates jul 2nd ~ through ~ jul 31st 2019


3rd Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates may 4th ~ through ~ jun 2nd 2019


2nd Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates may 4th ~ through ~ jun 2nd 2019


ABIB 1st Month 6001sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates apr 4th ~ through ~ may 4th 2019


12th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates mar 6th ~ through ~ apr 5th 2019
**EDIT: We had projected a 30th day on the 12th month, but when we got to that time, we found that there was No 30th day. So as the 29th Day Shabbat ended, Rosh Chodesh of ABIB began. 

11th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates feb 4th ~ through ~ mar 6th 2019


10th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar - CST
​ pagan roman dates jan 6th ~ through ~ feb 4th 2019
**EDIT: We had projected a 30th day on the 10th month, but when we got to that time, we found that there was No 30th day. So as the 29th Day Shabbat ended, Rosh Chodesh of the 11th month began. 


9th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates dec 7th ~ through ~ jan 7th 2018


8th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates nov 7th ~ through ~ dec 6th 2018


7th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates oct 9th ~ through ~ nov 7th 2018


6th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates sept 9th ~ through ~ oct 9th 2018


5th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates aug 11th ~ through ~ sept 9th 2018


4th Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates jul 13th ~ through ~ aug 11th 2018


3rd Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates jun  13th ~ through ~ jul 12th 2018


2nd Month 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates may 15th ~ through ~ jun 13th 2018

​       ______________________________________________

1st Month ABIB 6000sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates apr 15th ~ through ~ may 15th 2018

​     ______________________________________________

   New Year 6000sc

13th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
​ pagan roman dates mar 17th ~ through ~ apr 15th 2018


12th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates feb 15th ~ through ~ mar 17th 2018


11th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates jan 16th ~ through ~ feb 15th 2018


10th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates dec 18th ~ through ~ jan 16th 2018


9th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates nov 18th ~ through ~ dec 18th 2017


**CORRECTED**  8th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates oct 20th ~ through ~ nov 18th 2017


7th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates sept 20th ~ through ~ oct 19th 2017


6th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates aug 21st ~ through ~ sep 19th 2017


5th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates jul 23rd ~ through ~ aug 21st 2017


4th Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates jun 25th ~ through ~ jul 23rd 2017


!! *** REVISED*** !! - We skipped a roman day on the first one
3rd Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates may 26th ~ through ~ jun 25th 2017


2nd Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
  pagan roman dates apr 26th ~ through ~ may 25th 2017


Abib/1st Month 5999sc *CONFIRMED WITNESS* Monthly calendar  - CST
      pagan roman dates mar 27th ~ through ~ apr 26th 2017


There will Not be a **PROJECTED** Calendar for 5999sc (2017-2018)
    See this Video Linked Below:



5998 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  -  PROJECTION UPDATE!!  - CST
      with roman  (2016 - 2017) calendar day References Inserted

5998 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar -  PROJECTION UPDATE!! GMT
      with roman  (2016 - 2017) calendar day References Inserted


5997 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - CST
      with roman  (2015 - 2016) calendar day References Inserted

5997 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2015 - 2016) calendar day References Inserted


5996 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - EST
      with roman  (2014 - 2015) calendar day References Inserted

5996 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2014 - 2015) calendar day References Inserted


5995 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - EST
      with roman  (2013 - 2014calendar day References Inserted

5995 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2013 - 2014calendar day References Inserted


5994 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - EST
      with roman  (2012 - 2013calendar day References Inserted

5994 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2012 - 2013calendar day References Inserted


5993 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - EST
      with roman  (2011 - 2012calendar day References Inserted

5993 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2011 - 2012calendar day References Inserted

** 5993 s.c. Moon Phase Calendar


5992 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  - EST
      with roman  (2010 - 2011calendar day References Inserted

5992 s.c. Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Projected Calendar  GMT
      with roman  (2010 - 2011calendar day References Inserted

** 5992 s.c. Moon Phase Calendar


2009 - 2010 Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar
In New Easier to Understand Format  w/ roman calendar day References Inserted

2009- 2010 Yahuahs 'Simple' Lunar-Solar Calendar


*** 2008 - 2009 Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar
Special Six-Month Transitional Calendar In New Easier to Understand
Format with roman calendar day References Inserted


2008 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format

2008 - Yahuahs 'Simple' Lunar-Solar Calendar
Yahuahs Calendar Alone - no roman references


2007 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format

2007 - Yahuahs 'Simple' Lunar-Solar Calendar
Yahuahs Calendar Alone - no roman references

***Special Note: 2007 was the year we started this website. But one of the first items we put up on this website was the 2007 Yahuahs Restored Solar-Lunar Calendar, and that was the first calendar we published publicly. 

All of the previous years below, has never been published before... Until Now. 


2006 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format

2006 - Moon Phase Calendar
Our first Moon Phase Calendar that we produced


2005 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format


2004 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format


2003 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format


2002 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format


2001 - Yahuahs Lunar-Solar Calendar 
Yahuahs Calendar Inserted into the roman calendar format


For roman year 2000 we only made and printed monthly calendars. 

We  printed those monthly calendars for what few people we had left in the congregation, after Moshe EliYahu first taught Yahuahs True Shabbat. As most people who were there, did not even stay long enough to hear the teaching, but instead got up and walked out because they instantly rejected Yahuahs Word, and left to go elsewhere to continue keeping 'saturns-day'. 

But we knew what was provable from Yahuahs Word, so the numbers never mattered, and they still don't today. We continue to teach what ever Truths that Yahuah gives us, irregardless if there is anyone who wants to hear or not. We just hope that we have been able to reach those few who want to hear, and are striving to know, Understand, and Obey Yahuahs Word.

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**ATTN: Due to continuing and ongoing issues with our YHRIM email host, where we would never receive emails that people tried to send us. I have removed those email addresses and am now posting our... "normal"? email addresses below. 
So if you have tried to email us, and we never replied, Please send your email to one or more of the addresses below:

Moshe Eliyahu - Moshe5998@gmail.com
Simcha Nachamu- SimchaNachamu@gmail.com
Yahusha - warreng5995@gmail.com
      ben/son of Moshe Eliyahu

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"The devil is the 'god' of this world; therefore he is using All governments, “because they are Beast governments”. To pass laws against All Yisraelites that are scattered worldwide, in order to “steal” their wealth and to “kill” and “destroy” them from the face of the earth.
- Moshe EliYahu ben Yechezkel
                                                                    (former slave name Warren Smith)

"No Scripture Ever Contradicts another Scripture, if it seems to we just need to adjust our perspective until we can see them clearly. Unless you can use All of Yahuahs Word without throwing any out, you can't Teach that subject Fully or Correctly." 5991 s.c.
                   - Yahusha ben/son-of Moshe Eliyahu

"There are Days Coming, that One Man will have to Stay Awake and Keep Guard, while Another Sleeps"  - prophesied 40+ years ago along with many other Truths. 
                                                                             (former slave name Gilbert Smith)

Because false doctrine is so abundant:
 "The Truth will be the Strangest Thing you will ever Hear"                       
- Paul Smith
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