Enseñanzas que han sido traducidos al español
Nota: Estas traducciones pueden ser las versiones anteriores de las actuales enseñanzas de inglés disponibles. Sin embargo todavía cubren los temas principales y los puntos de estas enseñanzas de Restauración de la verdad.
Una nota de agradecimiento a Yechezquel Efraim por tomarse el tiempo y el trabajo en la traducción de estas enseñanzas, para que puedan ser compartidos con otros hermanos y hermanas que buscan la verdad!

A Note of Thanks to Yechezquel Efráim for Taking the Time and Work in Translating these teachings, so that they can be shared with more Brothers and Sisters who are Searching for Truth! 
Teaching Translations

One Day Very Soon, Our Heavenly Father Yahuah will Restore the Pure Tounge of the Ancient Language to His People. 

But in the mean time... This page is where we will post all teaching documents which have been translated into other lanuages. 

Teaching documents must be translated by a person, as many contain pictures, diagrams, and other material which must have proper placement, and which translation software removes or distorts. 

These Teachings also have to be translated so that the things being explained in the teaching, come across with the correct meaning, as in a 'thought for thought' type of translation. As a software type 'Word for Word' type translation many times changes the meaning of what is being explained, due to the Words which carry different meanings for different languages and cultures. 

If you have a native language, but also are proficient in english, and would like to help in the ministry by translating the  teachings on the 'Teaching Publications' page. Which would open these teachings to people of other languages, and even those around you who speak your language. 

Please contact us and we can discuss it, and provide the teaching material in different forms than is availiable on our website, to better assist your work and help in this area. After Translation is complete, we will post the teaching here in a section dedicated to the language it was translated into. 

~Todah & Shalom

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"The devil is the 'god' of this world; therefore he is using All governments, “because they are Beast governments”. To pass laws against All Yisraelites that are scattered worldwide, in order to “steal” their wealth and to “kill” and “destroy” them from the face of the earth.
- Moshe EliYahu ben Yechezkel
                                                                    (former slave name Warren Smith)

"No Scripture Ever Contradicts another Scripture, if it seems to we just need to adjust our perspective until we can see them clearly. Unless you can use All of Yahuahs Word without throwing any out, you can't Teach that subject Fully or Correctly." 5991 s.c.
                   - Yahusha ben/son-of Moshe Eliyahu

"There are Days Coming, that One Man will have to Stay Awake and Keep Guard, while Another Sleeps"  - prophesied 40+ years ago along with many other Truths. 
                                                                             (former slave name Gilbert Smith)

Because false doctrine is so abundant:
 "The Truth will be the Strangest Thing you will ever Hear"                       
- Paul Smith
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